Workload Schemes
Workload schemes describe how do users weeks look like. When creating events, the created worklogs depend on the workload scheme the user uses.
By default, every Team Trax instance comes with a configured workload scheme. New users will be automatically added to the scheme labeled as Default.
Workload scheme labeled as Default
You may access this page by clicking on Workload Schemes on the sidebar under ADMINISTRATION. You need to have administrator rights to access this content.
Accessing Workload Schemes view
Workload Schemes view
Adding workload schemes
You can add a new workload scheme by clicking on the Add Workload Scheme button on the top-right corner of the view. When clicked a form will be opened.
Adding new workload scheme
You only need to set a name and the workload for each day, then press Save. Workloads can be set with any of the following formats:
Both will result the same workload
- 6h30m
- 6.5h
Both of them equals to 6 hours of workload
- 6h
- 6
Adding members to workload schemes
Members can be added on the User Settings page.
Please note, that when you change workload schemes, future events' duration will change and worklogs for those events will be updated.
Adding members to workload scheme - step 1
Adding members to workload scheme - step 2